Instagram Hashtag Generator: 3-Steps Tutorial

Zack Pothier
Zack Pothier 18/03/2020

Guesswork in hashtagging is not effective in 2023.
You need just 3 minutes to learn how to apply niche hashtags.

⭐️ As a result, you will notice:

  • boost in your post organic reach for a longer time;
  • increase in target followers;
  • your post gets to the TOP of Instagram.

I’ll tell you the easiest way. Open the Hashtag Generator in a new tab and repeat step by step:

Step #1 - Type keywords in the Hashtags search tool

hashtags search tool

You can enter up to 5 keys per search. Think of what words define your niche. But if you can’t, I’ve prepared an alternative solution for you.

Note! The Hashtag Finder is cross-language. You can use any language you want.

Alternative solution - AI-search without keys

Copy a link to an Instagram post and paste it to the search bar. Just like I do it here:

paste instagram post link

Or… Upload a picture right from your device. Repeat after me:

upload a picture

Let’s pick the traffic-booting hashtags now!

Step #2 - Choose relevant hashtags

Check the boxes next to the hashtags correlated to your photography area. Now I will explain to you what is the hashtags difficulty:

High – pick 1-3 of this group. Difficult hashtags are too competitive, spammy, and broad in meaning.
Medium – pick 6-8 of this group. Medium hashtags are competitive but more specific.
Low – pick 15-20 of this group. Low difficulty or Easy hashtags are specific, simple to get in the TOP, and people usually follow them.

hashtags level

Nice blend! Copy and paste them right in the caption, Word document, or spreadsheet.

Remember, the total number of Instagram hashtags per post is 30.

Step #3 - Create several sets

I recommend you to generate 2-5 hashtags combinations. That’s how you define which one is working best with your posts.

Combinations of High + Medium + Low hashtags will boost the organic reach with the long-lasting effect!

Mix the hashtags and switch the order and add new! Never use the same hashtags for all your posts. Keep them in a Word document just like I do it!

Stay tuned to grasp more Instagram promotion techniques and guides!

Register to collect you niche hashtags

Zack Pothier
Written by

Zack Pothier


Oliver 07/04/2020 16:39:00

It is great that you not only give a list of hashtags but also describe their usefulness. Do you have any other hashtag analytics? It would be great to check the hashtags that I used earlier.

Zack Pothier 08/04/2020 17:13:07

Of course, when using our system, you will immediately see which of the hashtags are the most useful.

Zena 07/04/2020 13:06:45

I have been using a hashtag generator for almost a month. And now I want to thank you, Zach, for your article! I was able to increase the number of my followers almost twice. I think this is a good result. Thank you for your other articles, I also used tips from them to promote my account. I wish you inspiration for writing new articles.

Zack Pothier 07/04/2020 14:50:52

Yep, this is a great result. You are welcome, Zena!;))

Nancy 07/04/2020 11:23:23

Thanks, Zack! I have a question, can the Instagram algorithm track that I use the Instagram hashtag generator tool? I just worry about my account, I would not want to be banned.

Zack Pothier 07/04/2020 14:49:13

No, you can not worry. This tool only shows you a list of hashtags, and you choose them yourself. :)

Henry 06/04/2020 14:38:03

Cool, Zack! I decided to create a business account for my store on Instagram. But I completely did not understand how to behave and how to promote an account on Instagram. I have not even heard anything about hashtag generators. But thanks to your article, I was able to understand a little what I should do to develop my account. Thanks!

Zack Pothier 07/04/2020 14:46:27

Cool, Henry! You are welcome.;)

Jade 03/04/2020 12:20:32

I was most impressed with the ability to generate hashtags by photo. I never thought that the process could be so simple! I usually did not use them because it was difficult for me to find the best hashtags.

Zack Pothier 04/04/2020 12:19:48

Yes, that’s true, Jade. Now everything will be simplier for you!:)

Liam 03/04/2020 12:12:58

Thank you for the article! I never thought that to increase organic traffic, you need to use not only the most popular hashtags, but mix them with rarer ones. I tried this on the last few photos and voila - I got more likes on them

Zack Pothier 04/04/2020 12:22:47

I am glad that my article was useful to you, Liam. You are welcome!

Alicia 01/04/2020 15:34:00

A perfect guide, thanks. Now I understand how to use this hashtag generator tool. Good and various feature sets. I really hope that this works as well as it looks. :)

Zack Pothier 02/04/2020 11:41:23

You are very welcome, Alicia!

Mia 01/04/2020 13:57:58

This tool seems interesting to me, so I want to ask those who have already used it: please tell me how well it helps to promote your Instagram account?

Winona 02/04/2020 11:56:43

Well, I have been using this hashtag generator for about two months and I can say that I have managed to increase the number of followers by 1.5 times. But I also buy ads on Instagram, so it is hard for me to write only about the effect of this hashtag.

Emily 31/03/2020 15:44:59

It seems to me like a perfect idea that this hashtag generator also works for image. It’s very convenient when you don’t have to invent something from your head. Sometimes I don’t have any ideas at all. :D

Zack Pothier 02/04/2020 11:43:26

That’s great! Let me know how it goes for you. =)

Joe 31/03/2020 13:36:13

I started using this application about a month ago. And I noticed that it has become much easier to create hashtags with it. Also I was able to increase in target followers.

John 31/03/2020 16:02:48

Do you think this is the best hashtag generator tool? Is it possible to find out from you how many views you get for publication from hashtags using this app?

Zack Pothier 04/04/2020 12:23:55

I am glad to read it. You are welcome, Joe.;)

KikiEvanse 31/03/2020 12:31:50

Thank you for the article!
I would like to know how this Hashtag generator selects hashtags? I recently used another hashtag app and was not very pleased with the result.

Helen 01/04/2020 11:20:18

You know, there are many hashtag tools for instagram, but not every application can generate hashtags successfully. I do not know how the selection process works, but my sister was satisfied with this tool. So I chose this one. And I did not regret it, the process of selecting hashtags has become easier and the number of likes has also increased.

Eloy Mendez. 20/03/2020 22:26:40

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