Rotate image

Use the picture rotator to transform a pic position clockwise or counterclockwise. Modify the pic free, instant, and online.

Rotate photo in 3 quick steps

  • Upload

    Download any image to the photo rotator to transform it quickly and straightforward.

  • Rotate

    Rotate a pic to the right or left to find an ideal position.

  • Save

    Download the pic in png, jpeg or webp format with the best quality & share it on a social network or with friends.


Upload and pick out photo format: PNG, JPG, JPEG to get the perfect high-quality photo.

Rotate picture securely

Don't worry about your data or photos being stolen or harmed in any way as the pic rotator is safe. The tool makes sure that only you know what pictures you are uploading and modifying.

Use the rotator online

The tool works online, which means that no additional installation is required on your device. Moreover, you don't need to register for the service either. Just connect to the internet and rotate image quickly and effortlessly.