Here you can add text to photos online

Add text on images in just a few seconds with this online tool. You can create a unique caption for any photo and customize it with more than 10 stylish features like shapes, masks, filters and thousands of colors. This tool is easy to use and absolutely free. And you don’t need to download any software on your computer – add text to pictures online right on this page.

Write text on pictures fast and easy

All you need is to upload a photo from your device, add a layer with a text and fully design it with instruments and features that are available in the editing area. You can choose any of thousands colors for your text on image, just with entering a #number of any color, create any look for the caption, move and scale the text. Then all you need is to save the image or add more captions on it. It will be saved as a copy on your device, and the original photo won’t be modified.

Customizing and editing text on a picture

  • Captions on photos

    Firstly, you can add as many captions on any image as you want. Just tap the “add text” button in the lower right corner of the instrument panel. Type or paste your text for the photo in the box, and it will appear right on your image.

  • Customize your text on photos

    After you’ve added some text, customize it as you like using all the features that are offered in the tool instrument panel. Change font weight and adjust size, add more text to photo. Fill the entire photo with repeated text, or make a huge caption, covering the entire image. Use one of the offered effects: pixelization, tint, brightness etc. Choose any color of font you like. You even can add text to photo with icons and shoes - triangles, circles and etc.

  • Edit photo online

    More than 10 features for the online photo editing are in the list of instruments – try any of them and choose the one that best fits your idea and design. If you can’t find the perfect shape or icone offered here, you can add your own with a mask feature. It is very simple to add any of your favorite images as a mask on the main picture: just tap the mask sign in the instruments panel and upload a photo. Here you can upload a PNG. format image to make the whole design flawless. It will appear on your first image ready for you to scale and move.

Personalized dashboard in the add text on photo tool

Once you have logged in the tool, all your projects will be stored in your dashboard, ready to be edited and saved again and again if you need them. You can log in to your dashboard with various devices to have access to your projects.

Moreover, you can add any fonts from the list to a Favorites section so they will be always on hand.

The process of image design will be easy for you and your teammates as everything is stored on the multi-access dashboard of the tool.

Add text to photos and draw

This online tool allows you to add text on pictures and also draw on them – which makes all processes much easier, especially if you need to highlight something on the picture and show others.

  • Click on the Draw mode in the right corner of the panel interface.
  • Choose a line width and its type. Choose a color.
  • Draw on the image. Don’t be scared to make a mistake - you can cancel any move anytime.
  • After you’ve finished with drawing - go to the next instrument you’d like to use or tap Download
  • Choose a folder to save the photos with a drawing added.
  • The project will be saved as an PNG. file on your device.

How to add text to photos online

The text on photo tool is simple and functional. We promise, this is the best way to add text to a photo. Here are the simplest instructions if you want to add a caption on an image:

  • Choose a the picture you want to customize with text after clicking an Upload button.
  • After the uploading process ends, click the “Add text” button with a big T from the instrument panel.
  • The sample text block will appear on your image.
  • Type the text you’d like to add or paste it in the box.
  • Design the text for your needs – choose a size you like, change the color and weight of the font, add effects, move and rotate the caption.
  • After you’re happy with this caption click the “Download” button or add or add another layer of text.