Word Scrambler

Hey, a word puzzle player! If you adore a Word Scramble game (also known as Jumble), other word puzzles, or re-arrange letters to get the right usable word — this online word scrambler might prove helpful to you.

Enter letters:max - 15, use '?' for wild cards (blanks).

What is a word scramble generator?

The word scramble maker is here to help you unjumble entered letters, so to say scramble letters online to offer you an original word and other words that fit perfectly according to the letter combination. It will be in handy if you play a Word Scramble game or other similar games, the playing algorithm of which is based on anagram. Anagram means searching for hidden words in combinations of certain letters. So, whether you're playing the game or just want to exercise your brain and learn new words, the letter scrambler will help you “decipher” any letters and end up suggesting the most appropriate words. Besides, the word scramble tool will fulfill your "scramble words for me" request and offer you variants for free and without the tool installation. So, don't hesitate to test the letters scrambler and make words unjumbling more fun and exciting.

How does the Word Scrambler work?

The word scramble generator has a smart search algorithm that rearranges the letters you insert into the original words. Look at the example to finally figure out how the tool operates.


If we insert "CIPFIOCA" into the tool, here is what we'll get:

  • The first and, of course, the right word is "Pacific" (it is a 7 letter word);
  • 4 letter words (capo, coca, pica, etc.);
  • 3 letter words (cap, pac, cop, etc.);
  • 2 letter words (if, of, etc.).

Moreover, each word has its score, but the first one (in our case is a 7 letter word) is the right word of the "CIPFIOCA" combination — it has the max score.

How to scramble letters to make words using the tool

t's straightforward here. Follow just two steps, and you will be successful in the game!

  1. Step 1.Open the word scrambler using a browser and insert your letters into an empty field.
  2. NB: the tool will scramble letters in words without any pre-payments and installation. I mean, it is a free and web-based instrument without any need for registration.

  3. Step 2.Click on the button to start the searching process and wait for seconds to get suitable results!


1. How to get scrambled words with the instrument?
To re-arrange the letters and get the right word, you need to paste the letters into an empty window, press the button. Done! The result will appear in an instant!
2. Can I scramble letters from any device?
You can use the word scrambler from pc, Android, iPhone, or other devices, operating systems, and browsers.
3. Is it always accessible without any limits?
The Word Scrambler operates without any payments, and there is no limit to the number of times you can use it. Thus, you are free to try it right now!